Tyler James on the Comic Book Road Show and Nerd Herders
We’ve gathered together some of the recent podcasts Tyler James, publisher of ComixTribe and author of The Red Ten, where he talks about his comics, the business and more.
April 15th, 2012 – Co-hosts Christopher Keszycki and Darrell Taylor talk comics with Tyler James at the Comic Book Road Show on The Taylor Network. Where James started in comics, the future of ComixTribe and the newly announced OXYMORON Anthology are just some of the tidbits from this podcast.
In this episode we have comics writer/artis/editor Tyler James about the creation of ComixTribe as well as his new comic The Red Ten and also the upcoming OXYMORON graphic novel anthology. (www.tylerjamescomics.com) This podcast is sponsored by Friendly Neighborhood Comics.
April 24th, 2012 – Host David Farr of NerdHerdersPodcast.com took a few minutes to chat with Tyler James in the most recent Nerd Herders Episode 5: Where there’s a Will there’s a way.
You can catch Tyler James on the ‘Can you dig it?’ segment: 50:40 (Tyler James Interview, Author or the Red Ten)
Episode 5: Where there’s a Will there’s a way : Will Urban joins us for a great review of PAX East. We also have a great interview with Tyler James, author of the Red Ten! Stick around until the end to hear the next big contest!
Roll Call: 2:00
Radar: 15:15
ThunderDome: 24:15
Can you dig it?: 50:40 (Tyler James Interview, Author or the Red Ten)
Wrap up and Contest 1:13:15
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Category: ComixTribe News
We loved having you on Tyler, can’t wait for Red Ten 3!