How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
We’ve got another Tuesday! You know what that means, right? Another Bolts & Nuts question! This week’s question: are you an effective pitch writer? Related Posts:TPG Week 281: The End Of An EraTPG Week 279: Choose Your Own LoD!TPG Week 277: Second Issues NEED To Start WellTPG Week 275: More Notes Than ScriptTPG Week 273: […]
It’s another Tuesday! I don’t know about you, but I really wish I were in Australia right now. I’m a tennis watcher, and right now, we have the Australian Open going on. If I were in Australia, I’d have done a lot of writing and scheduling beforehand, so that I’d have no problems or worries […]
We have another Tuesday upon us! Was I missed? I certainly missed you. Let’s get into some Bolts & Nuts, shall we? This week, I want to discuss engaging the reader. However, there are two types of readers that you have to do this for: the editor, and the audience. Related Posts:How to Sell Your […]
Welcome back to The Proving Grounds! This week, we have someone who’s no stranger around these parts, a Brave One by the name of Jon Parrish! (I’m feeling game-showy. I’m watching The X Factor. Sue me.) We’ve got to welcome back the man in blue, Steve Colle, and I’m forever in red. This week, we […]
We’ve got Brave One Jeremy Melloul returning to us! Come in and see why I say that readers want cake!
What should a publisher do for you? It all depends on what they’re asking for. Come inside and see some responsibilities and duties publishers have. You may think twice before you submit willy-nilly.
You’ve GOT to think about Quality when you create comics. Come inside and see what I’m talking about.
We’ve got Angus and Elderberries inside! Come in and see what new Brave One Matt Johnson does to have me saying Padding and Forcing Can Kill A Script(ship)!
It’s Tuesday! Welcome back to Bolts & Nuts! This week, I figured we’d talk about the Good Ol’ Boy Network. I know some of you are groaning and complaining, but there will be mire interesting stuff next week. I felt this was important. Related Posts:B&N Week 38: NetworkingTPG Week 279: Choose Your Own LoD!TPG […]
We’ve got our own Tyler James this week! There’s a decent amount of red, but in a good way! Come in and see how Tyler is Getting It Mostly Right.
It’s time to be serious this week, as I tackle a heavy subject. Come in and see what happens when you Fire Your Client
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