Tag: Draw Over!

Draw Over #5: Kevin Maher

| June 20, 2012
Draw Over #5: Kevin Maher

Tommy Patterson’s insanely popular Draw Over! feature is back on ComixTribe. In this installment, Tommy analyzes the sequential work of Kevin Maher.

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Draw Over #4: Jules Rivera

| August 18, 2011 | 0 Comments
Draw Over #4: Jules Rivera

Jules Rivera, writer/artist of the popular new sci-fi webcomic Valkyrie Squadron, is up this week in Draw Over! Jules submitted four sequential pages from Valkyrie for review.

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Draw Over! #3 – Sequentials by Scott Sackett

| July 6, 2011 | 2 Comments
Draw Over! #3 – Sequentials by Scott Sackett

Draw Over! ComixTribe‘s sequential art critique column returns! Now featuring VIDEO COMMENTARY RECORDED LIVE.

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Draw Over! #2 – Sequentials by Igor Glushkin

| January 26, 2011 | 2 Comments
Draw Over! #2 – Sequentials by Igor Glushkin

Tommy Patterson is back with another round of Draw Over! Reviewing submitted sample by artist Igor Glushkin, Tommy will touch on issues of perspective, anatomy and page flow. Read on!

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