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Review: Doc Unknown #1

| May 23, 2013
Review: Doc Unknown #1

A welcome return from Fabian Rangel Jr!

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Review: Sabotage! #1

| May 16, 2013
Review: Sabotage! #1

I can’t decide if I like this comic or hate it. Help me out, readers!

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Review: Skybreaker #1

| May 9, 2013
Review: Skybreaker #1

This Western is a puzzle box wrapped in an enigma.

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Review: The Manhattan Projects #11

| April 26, 2013
Review: The Manhattan Projects #11

The Eisner-nominated smash shows heart to match its brains.

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Review: Saga #12

| April 11, 2013
Review: Saga #12

The most talked-about comic of the week!

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Review: The Brothers James #1 and #2

| April 5, 2013
Review: The Brothers James #1 and #2

2 issues of gritty grindhouse fun!

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Review: Curse of the Thirteenth Baktun

| March 28, 2013
Review: Curse of the Thirteenth Baktun

A comic that’s a bit too small to make an impact.

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Review: East of West #1

| March 27, 2013
Review: East of West #1

It’s easy to create a new world. All you have to do is say What if… and let your imagination run wild. What isn’t easy is creating one that feels like a reality, like a place where that what if has been free to run wild and touch anything and everything in some way. Jonathan […]

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Review: Secrets & Shadows #1

| March 22, 2013
Review: Secrets & Shadows #1

Jon Parrish Day continues here at ComixTribe!

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Review: Drones #1

| March 14, 2013
Review: Drones #1

A confusing comic…. but in a good way?

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Review: Archeologists of Shadows, Volume 2 – Once a Nightmare

| March 1, 2013
Review: Archeologists of Shadows, Volume 2 – Once a Nightmare

The second instalment of the graphic novel series looks stunning, but suffers from decompressed narrative.

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Review: Broken #1

| February 21, 2013
Review: Broken #1

Mark Bertolini strikes again!

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